2 min read

13 Unsolicited Advices To Gen Z From a 35 Year Old

A 35-year-old shares 13 practical and insightful tips for Gen Z to navigate life, career, and relationships. Discover valuable advice on self-improvement, financial planning, and building meaningful connections.
  1. Health is the most important thing in your life.
    You can't buy health with money, but good health can help you earn money. Prioritize health above everything. As long as you're alive and well, there’s no reason to value money more than your health.
  2. No one truly loves you more than your parents.
    Only your parents have invested money, memories, and love in you. Siblings come next as your true well-wishers, followed by real friends. After that, no one really cares whether you’re alive or dead.
  3. Delete food delivery apps and social media apps from your phone.
    Delete Swiggy, Zomato, Instagram, and all those distractions. Focus on eating only what’s cooked by you, your family, or your roommate.
  4. Start living with discipline.
    Get disciplined, sooner or later you’ll have to. Eat less, eat on time, and stop eating after sunset. Load up on breakfast, cut sugar, and don’t make tea the first thing you have in the morning. Leave non-veg food, eat more fruits, and drink plenty of water. Wake up at 6 AM, sleep by 10 PM, and stop using your phone by 8 PM. Start your mornings with an hour of exercise.
  5. Loyalty is nothing.
    Apart from your parents, siblings, and a few friends, no one’s truly loyal to you—not even your partner. What they’re doing with you in present is something they’ve done in past with someone else, are doing in present with someone else too, and will do in future with someone else too.
  6. Just don’t take any loans.
    Let your CIBIL score be low, just don’t take loans. No matter what, avoid debt. It's better to go without it than to have it with loans attached.
  7. Never smoke or bet.
    Simple: don’t smoke and don’t play betting games. You’ll thank yourself later.
  8. Leave home to succeed.
    Home is like a black hole. You have to step out of your comfort zone to achieve anything. The fewer facilities you have, the more you’ll learn through struggle.
  9. Practice kindness and patience.
    Don’t hold grudges, and don’t waste your time on revenge. Let it go.
  10. AI, VR, and AR are the future.
    Master these technologies because your school or college won’t teach them. Get ahead of the curve and make sure you’re learning what will truly matter in the years to come.
  11. Stop watching the news and be less nationalist.
    Others are already cheating you, so stop cheating yourself. Focus on your growth and well-being instead of getting caught up in distractions.
  12. Learn how to cook, live on less money, and be comfortable living alone.
    Chances are, you’ll need to survive with limited money, on your own, with no one else to cook for you. These are essential life skills that will help you through tough times and make you self-reliant.
  13. It’s okay to not look great.
    Looks don’t matter. Money attracts everything, and success brings money. But you need good health to enjoy both. So, again, health is the most important thing in your life.