3 min read

How Your College Education Shortchanged You

Is your college education truly preparing you for the tech industry, or has it shortchanged you on essential skills?

There is a growing disconnect between what colleges teach and what the tech industry truly requires from graduates. As technology evolves rapidly, traditional academic curriculums struggle to keep up, leaving students underprepared for the challenges they will face in their professional careers. This article explores the key areas where colleges fall short and how students can bridge that gap.

The Inadequate Lab Time

Let’s consider the typical scenario in an engineering college. Most institutions allocate just one semester to teach a programming language, and no single language is taught for more than that because the syllabus demands other languages to be covered in subsequent semesters. However, programming languages can't be effectively taught in a theoretical classroom setting alone—they need practical lab sessions in front of computers.

The problem? Engineering students typically have 5-6 subjects per semester, with each subject getting just one lab session per week. Most colleges schedule one lab per day, meaning each programming language gets only two hours of lab time each week. Although semesters are designed to be six months long, due to interruptions like mass bunks, reading vacations, viva exams, submissions, holidays, and cultural festivals, the actual time spent in labs often boils down to just three months per semester. This results in, at most, 12 lab sessions per semester. With each lab being only two hours long, students get just 24 hours of programming instruction in total.

To make matters worse, the frequency of these labs is inconsistent. Imagine going to the gym only 12 times in three or four years—would it make any noticeable difference? Mastering a programming language requires consistency and far more practice than what is currently offered. It typically takes about two to three months for a dedicated student, spending 4-5 hours a day (about 25-30 hours per week), to become a beginner in any programming language. That's for an above-average to fast learner. Meanwhile, college education offers just 24 hours across an entire semester, which is equivalent to roughly three workdays in the industry (considering a standard 8-hour workday).

In essence, the programming education provided by most colleges is insufficient. Students need more hands-on experience and more frequent exposure to programming languages. Unfortunately, they are instead required to study a variety of subjects, many of which are either irrelevant or outdated.

The Jurassic Curriculum

In the first year of a computer science engineering degree, students are required to study subjects from other branches of engineering like civil, mechanical, electrical, and electronics and communication. When I was in the first year of my computer engineering program, I had to study plumbing and welding as part of a workshop in the syllabus. While learning the basics of various engineering disciplines might have been valuable in the past, these subjects no longer serve the needs of today's computer science students.

Fast forward to today, and students are still required to learn subjects like Computer Organization and Architecture, Systems Programming, and Data Compression Algorithms. While these topics may have had their place in the past, they can now be omitted or significantly reduced in favor of focusing on more industry-relevant subjects such as data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML).

Companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and even small businesses are looking for graduates with practical skills in Web Development, .NET, JavaScript, AI, data science, and cloud computing—fields that are often underrepresented in college curriculums. Graduates with outdated skills are left scrambling to learn industry-relevant technologies after graduation, placing them at a disadvantage in the competitive job market.

Bridging the Gap: What Can Be Done?

It’s clear that educational institutions need to evolve. Colleges must focus on teaching students the tools and technologies that will truly prepare them for the industry, with a stronger emphasis on practical application and less focus on outdated theories. But until this change happens, students must take matters into their own hands.

Here are some steps that students can take to stay competitive in the tech industry:

  1. Offer Free Work in Exchange for Internships: If securing a paid internship is difficult, offer to work for free in exchange for experience. Many companies are willing to bring on interns who show genuine interest and dedication, even without compensation. The practical experience gained through such internships is invaluable and can often lead to a paid position later on.
  2. Self-Learning and Projects: Start personal projects or contribute to open-source communities. These experiences are invaluable and showcase your skills to potential employers.
  3. Networking: Attend workshops, webinars, and industry conferences to stay updated on the latest trends and technologies. Building connections with professionals in the field can lead to future opportunities.


The disconnect between academic education and industry needs is undeniable. Programming languages and modern technologies require far more practice and consistency than what is currently offered in college curriculums. Meanwhile, students are still required to learn subjects that are no longer relevant in the rapidly evolving tech world.

Until academic institutions reform their syllabi, students must be proactive in seeking out opportunities to acquire the skills that are truly in demand. By offering free work in exchange for internships, taking on self-learning projects, and building industry connections, they can effectively bridge the gap and prepare themselves for a successful career in the tech industry.