3 min read

3 Ways You’re Misusing AI in Your Job Search

Are you misusing AI in your job search? Discover 3 common mistakes and how to avoid them to ensure your resume and cover letter shine.

AI tools like ChatGPT and Gemini are becoming increasingly popular for job seekers looking to create compelling cover letters and resumes. While these tools can assist in generating polished and well-structured content, relying on them too heavily can lead to common pitfalls that might hinder your job search. Here are three ways you might be misusing AI in your application process — and how to avoid them.

1. Overly Formal and Lengthy Content

AI-generated content often errs on the side of being overly formal and verbose. While a polished tone is important, overly formal writing can feel insincere and disconnected. Hiring managers often prefer a conversational style that reflects your personality and fits the company culture.

  • Why It’s a Problem: Long, overly formal text can make you come across as robotic or impersonal. Recruiters are looking for genuine candidates who show enthusiasm and a natural fit for the role.
Remember: HRs don’t like to read ChatGPT generated contents.
  • How to Fix It: Use AI to draft your content but take the time to refine it. Shorten sentences, simplify language, and inject your personal voice. Your goal is to create a document that feels polished yet authentic.
  • Tip: After generating a cover letter with AI, review it to ensure it sounds like you. Replace complex phrases with more straightforward language that you would naturally use.

2. Direct Copy-Pasting Without Personalization

AI tools can generate impressive-looking resumes and cover letters, but directly copying and pasting this content without adding a personal touch can be a major misstep. Companies want to see that you have put thought into your application and understand their specific needs.

  • Why It’s a Problem: Recruiters can easily spot generic, machine-generated text. If your application lacks a personal touch, it may signal to employers that you’re not genuinely invested in the role. After all, if you simply copy-paste AI-generated content, what unique value are you bringing to the table?
Think from the company’s perspective. Why would a company hire you if all you do is copy and paste outputs from ChatGPT? Does a company need someone whose primary skill is just writing prompts for ChatGPT?
  • How to Fix It: Use AI as a starting point, not the final product. Modify the content to reflect your unique experiences and tailor it to the job description. Highlight specific achievements, skills, and experiences that are relevant to the role.
  • Example: If AI suggests, “I am proficient in project management and strategic planning,” add personal insights like, “In my previous role, I led a project that improved team efficiency by 20%.” This demonstrates how your skills have had a real-world impact.

3. Not Reflecting Your Unique Voice

Your resume and cover letter should sound like they were written by you, not a machine. If the final product significantly differs from how you usually communicate, it could raise red flags for recruiters. Your unique voice and personal experiences are what set you apart from other candidates.

  • Why It’s a Problem: If your application doesn’t sound like you, it can come off as inauthentic. Employers want to see the person behind the resume, not a perfectly scripted output from an AI.
Remember: Companies need naturally intelligent people, not artificially intelligent people.
  • How to Fix It: Ensure that the final content reflects your personality and communication style. While AI can help structure your ideas, the substance should come from your thoughts and experiences.
  • Tip: After using AI to generate content, read it aloud. Does it sound like something you would say in a conversation? If not, revise it until it feels more natural and true to you.

In Summary

AI tools can be a fantastic resource for job seekers, but they should be used thoughtfully. To make the most of these tools:

  • Use AI for drafting and refining, not as a one-size-fits-all solution.
Artificial Intelligence cannot replace natural intelligence. If it is replacing you, you are not naturally intelligent.
  • Personalize the content: Tailor your resume and cover letter to reflect your experiences and fit the specific job you’re applying for.
  • Maintain your unique voice: Let your personality shine through to show employers who you truly are.

By avoiding these common misuses of AI, you can create application materials that are not only polished but also authentic and compelling.