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7 Tips to Stand Out as a Job Seeker on WhatsApp

Communicate with recruiters on WhatsApp professionally. Follow these tips to make a great impression and improve your job prospects!

In today’s digital era, many HR professionals prefer WhatsApp as a medium of communication, allowing them to receive applications directly on the platform. Features in WhatsApp Business, such as the ability to review, shortlist, and label candidates, make it easy for recruiters to manage applications quickly and efficiently.

In some cases, company founders are directly involved in the recruitment process, and reaching out to them via WhatsApp is a chance to make a lasting impression even before the interview stage. To help you stand out, here are some essential tips on how to communicate effectively with recruiters via WhatsApp.

1. Start Strong with a Professional Introduction

When initiating communication with a recruiter on WhatsApp, it’s crucial to make a strong first impression. Begin with a concise introduction that includes your greeting, name, city, educational qualifications, experience, and the reason you’re contacting them, along with a polite request for consideration.


  1. For experienced candidates:
    “Dear Sir/Madam, I am Ruchir Gupta from Ahmedabad. I have 13+ years of experience as a .NET Developer and currently work at Proficed as a Senior Software Architect. I am seeking a job change. If there’s any vacancy in your company that aligns with my experience, please consider my application. I have also attached my CV.”
  2. For freshers:
    “Dear Sir/Madam, I am Ruchir Gupta from Ahmedabad. I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering and am looking for a job in the IT field. If your company is hiring freshers, I would like to apply. I have attached my CV.”

Important: Make sure to avoid starting the conversation with a casual “Hey,” “Hi,” or “Hello” and then waiting for the recruiter to respond before continuing. Recruiters are busy and don’t have the time, fondness or need to engage in casual, non-informative messages.

2. Use AI Tools, but Don’t Overdo It

AI tools like ChatGPT and Gemini can generate high-quality, professional content. However, the content they produce can be lengthy and too formal for WhatsApp conversations. Moreover, recruiters can often spot if your message was written by an AI tool, and they may not appreciate reading machine-generated content that lacks personal touch.

While it’s okay — and even recommended — to use AI tools to proofread, improve, or seek suggestions for your messages, cover letters, and resumes, you should avoid copying and pasting content directly from these tools. This rule applies not only to WhatsApp messages but also to email communication. Make sure your message reflects your own thoughts and style.

Important: Use AI tools for proofreading and improving your content, but don’t blindly copy-paste. Add your personality and ensure that the message reflects your voice, not just the machine’s.

3. Avoid Sending Screenshots — Type Out Important Information

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when communicating with a recruiter is sending unnecessary screenshots. For instance, if a recruiter asks for your application number, and you send them a screenshot of your confirmation email instead of typing out the number, it leaves a poor impression.

When you’re asked to share important information like an application number, it’s your responsibility to provide it properly. Screenshots make things harder for the recruiter because they have to manually type out the details themselves, adding to their workload. It can also make you seem lazy, which is never a good look when you’re trying to make a professional impression.

Important: When asked to provide important details like an application number, type it out clearly. It shows professionalism and saves the recruiter’s time.

4. Don’t “Forward” Your CV — Make It Personal

If you send your CV to a recruiter as a forwarded message, WhatsApp will label it “forwarded,” which may cause the recruiter to assume that you’re not the original author of the document. Forwarded messages suggest that someone else created the content, and you are simply passing it along without personal involvement.

To avoid this, always ensure that there’s no “forwarded” label on your messages. Even if you’re sending a CV or message created by someone else, download the file and attach it manually, or copy the message text and paste it into a new message. This makes it look like you’re the original sender and shows that you’re engaged and professional.

Important: Download the CV or copy the text, and send it as if you’re the original sender. This simple step ensures that your message looks professional and genuine.

5. Use Proper Grammar and Spelling

Paying attention to grammar and spelling is vital when communicating with recruiters. Errors can make you seem unprofessional and careless, which may affect your chances of being considered for the role. Make sure your name and the company’s name (if you’re mentioning it) start with a capital letter.

Important: Always proofread your messages before sending them. Tools like Grammarly can help ensure your communication is error-free and polished.

6. Be Respectful and Polite

Maintaining a respectful and polite tone throughout your conversation is crucial. Avoid using slang or overly casual language, and always address the recruiter formally unless they suggest otherwise.

Important: Treat your WhatsApp conversation like a formal email or letter. Courtesy and professionalism go a long way in leaving a positive impression.

7. Follow Up Appropriately

It’s important to follow up if you haven’t received a response after a reasonable amount of time. However, avoid being overly persistent, as this can be perceived as pushy and unprofessional.

Important: Wait at least a week before following up, and keep your message polite and concise. If you still don’t receive a response, it’s best to move on.

8. Bonus Tip: Use WhatsApp Web Instead of WhatsApp on Your Phone (If Possible)

Whenever possible, use WhatsApp Web instead of the mobile app. This makes it easier to type and proofread messages, especially when you’re crafting professional responses. Plus, with multiple tabs open, you can conveniently switch between tools like ChatGPT for assistance and browse your resume or CV files to attach them directly from your computer.

Important: Using WhatsApp Web also ensures that you can make quick edits, manage multiple tasks, and avoid the typos that often occur when typing on a mobile device.


WhatsApp is more than just a messaging platform; it’s becoming an essential tool for job seekers to connect with recruiters. However, how you communicate can significantly impact your chances of being noticed. By starting with a professional introduction, avoiding AI overuse, typing out important information, and maintaining a respectful tone, you can make a strong, positive impression on recruiters. Remember, attention to detail and professionalism are key to setting yourself apart in today’s competitive job market.

Call to Action

Next time you reach out to a recruiter via WhatsApp, keep these tips in mind to ensure your conversation reflects professionalism, efficiency, and engagement. A little effort can go a long way in securing your next job opportunity.