2 min read

How Naukri.com Cheats Job Seekers and Employers

Learn how Naukri.com's illegal scraping, fraudulent applications, and misleading practices harm both employers and job seekers.

Naukri.com, a popular job portal, has been caught in a web of illegal and unethical practices that could have severe implications for both employers and job seekers. From unauthorized web scraping to fraudulent handling of job applications, we delve into the shocking actions of Naukri.com and what this means for the recruitment landscape.

How Naukri.com cheats:

  1. Naukri.com's Unethical Practices: Our company has clear terms of use prohibiting unauthorized web scraping of our career page content. Yet, Naukri.com blatantly disregarded these terms, scraping our job postings and publishing them on their platform. This isn't just a minor oversight; it's a clear case of copyright infringement.
  2. Fraudulent Collection of Applications: Naukri.com's scheme doesn't stop there. They went on to fraudulently collect applications from candidates who believed they were applying directly to us. This deceptive practice not only misrepresents Naukri.com as the employer but also leaves qualified candidates hanging, potentially missing out on genuine opportunities because their applications never reach us.
  3. Extortion for Access to Our Own Data: Perhaps the most egregious part is this: When we contacted Naukri.com, they demanded we pay them to access the very application data they collected illegally on our behalf. This is nothing short of extortion, exposing a shocking disregard for both employers and job seekers.

Employers, Beware:

  1. Compromised Application Filtering: Naukri.com's illegal scraping bypasses your application filtering systems, potentially flooding you with unqualified applicants.
  2. Ransom for Candidate Data: You lose access to qualified candidates who applied through Naukri.com, as they withhold this data unless you pay their ransom.

Steps for Employers to Protect Their Listings:

  1. Implement Anti-Scraping Measures: Use technologies that detect and prevent unauthorized scraping of your website.
  2. Monitor Unauthorized Listings: Regularly check job portals for unauthorized postings of your job listings and take immediate action.
  3. Legal Action: Be prepared to take legal action against platforms that violate your terms of use.

Job Seekers, Be Warned:

  1. Uncertain Application Process: Applying through Naukri.com is a gamble. Your application may never reach the intended employer.
  2. Risk to Personal Information: Sharing personal information on Naukri.com is risky, as their security measures may be inadequate.
  3. Inaccurate Job Descriptions: Job descriptions on Naukri.com could be inaccurate or outdated, wasting your time and effort.

Advice for Job Seekers:

  1. Apply Directly: Whenever possible, apply directly through the company's official career page.

  2. Verify Job Listings: Cross-check job listings found on third-party portals with the company’s official website.

  3. Guard Personal Information: Be cautious about sharing personal information on less secure job portals.


Naukri.com's actions represent a significant breach of trust for both employers and job seekers. We urge all stakeholders to be vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their interests. Employers should protect their job listings, and job seekers should prioritize applying directly through company career pages to avoid falling victim to Naukri.com's illegal and exploitative practices.