2 min read

Why HR Never Responds and Why You Shouldn't Expect Them To

Discover why HR departments often don't respond to job applicants and why managing your expectations can improve your job search experience.

In today’s competitive job market, many candidates find themselves in a frustrating situation: they apply to multiple positions but rarely receive any feedback from employers. This lack of communication can be disheartening, but it’s crucial to understand why this happens and how you can navigate your job search more effectively.

1. Why Companies Don’t Respond to Every Applicant

  • High Volume of Applications: Companies often receive a flood of applications for each job posting, sometimes even before the job is officially listed.
  • Early Selection: Recruiters may find suitable candidates early in the process, making it unnecessary to review every application.
  • Paused Recruitment: Companies might pause the hiring process and keep applications on file for future consideration.
  • Impractical to Respond to All: Given the sheer number of applications, it’s not feasible for companies to send rejection letters or provide feedback to every candidate.

2. The Job Post Might Not Reflect the Current Status

  • Filled Positions: A job posting remaining online doesn’t necessarily mean the position is still available. Companies might leave postings up after the role has been filled to collect resumes for future openings.
  • Paused Hiring: Internal changes, budget constraints, or shifts in priorities may cause a company to pause recruitment without immediately removing the job listing.
  • Outdated Postings: Removing or updating job postings might not be a priority for busy HR teams, so a role may appear to be open when it is actually on hold or closed.

3. How to Navigate the Job Search Process

  • Keep Applying: Continue your job search actively until you have a firm job offer. Avoid stopping your search after applying to just one or two companies.
  • Don’t Wait for Responses: Waiting for feedback from companies can lead to missed opportunities. Apply broadly and don’t rely on hearing back.
  • Detach from Outcomes: As the Bhagavad Gita suggests, focus on your efforts rather than the results. Apply, then move on without expecting a response.
  • Assume Lack of Response Means Rejection: If a company hasn’t responded after a reasonable period, assume you’re not being considered and continue applying elsewhere.

4. Understanding Your Role in the Job Market

  • You’re Not a Customer: As a job applicant, you’re not paying for a service. You’re a potential employee who will be paid by the company.
  • Feedback Is a Courtesy, Not an Obligation: While feedback is beneficial, it’s not realistic to expect it from every company due to their operational constraints.
  • Companies Prioritize Profit: Businesses operate with profit in mind, and providing individual feedback to every applicant is often not feasible.


The job search process can be challenging, but managing your expectations can make it easier. Understand why companies might not respond and focus on what you can control — continuing your job search and applying to multiple opportunities. Keep pushing forward, apply widely, and remember that the right opportunity will come with persistence and patience. Your next role might just be an application away!